Youngie releases his debut single titled, “Awa Way” produced by Rexxie, mixed & mastered by Spitmyx. Abodunrin Oluwaseyi, known as Youngie is not just an artist, he...
Nigerian Fast Rising Act, Raggae Musician J RANKY With Unique Style Drops His Hit Song Of The Year Titled 50 Bottles. LISTEN AND DOWNLOAD BELOW DOWNLOAD...
C’DIcs is truly a blessing to Nigeria Music Industry, with many hit track to his name, After the successful release
Daniel Bleez; who has the hit ‘Feel Alright feat. J’9ice’. A song writer, Afro and hip hop quo singer. Drops a new Afro jam
Nigerian Fast Rising Singer Nyzflesh Dishes Out This Emotiona Love Song Which You Never Afford To Skip While Playing .. Titled Am In Love .. LISTEN...
Blianji and Earnmonie has been in the music industry for some years and they have been dropping hit songs back
Nigeria Fast Rising Act, Nufido Dishes Out A Hot Bomb Track Titled Bolivia Under The Umbrella Of Best Mic
ECP is one sort of an act You don’t wanna Skip playing and trust me on this. He Came Up With This Love
Peruzzi x Davido x GospelOnDeBeatz show some musical genius on this new groovy record titled Runam GospelOnDeBeatz for Alternate Sound. I think it’s safe to say...
Adewusi Oluwadare Peter Popularly known as Boi Damzy. His set to Drop a Classic Freestyle Tune. His Previous