Super Talented Nigerian musician, Sanny Gee ushers his latest project dubbed “Massage To The Masses” However, This new debut project contains a total of 7 outstanding...
Sanny Gee, the multifaceted Nigerian songwriter, makes a compelling return with “Moolah,” a captivating follow-up to his chart-topping release, “Humble Beginning.” Demonstrating his prowess as a...
SANNY GEE premieres new potential banger labelled “Agbero Dance“ Sanny Gee sets this new record on fire with his magical tune and this will surely make...
Street sensation act Sanny Gee comes up to serve fans an Amenor Amapiano Cover to the now-legendary tune “Ameno” by ERA. Sanny Gee dishes out the visuals...
Nigerian Born musician Sanny Gee hits the airwave with a new single tags “STORYLINE“. this is basically a storyline that talks about man’s everyday life and hustle tales. Stream And...