Nigerian Super-Talented singer-songwriter Radooskey has released a remarkable new single titled “Top Charts.” Produced by Prosper Jay, Radooskey is known for his unique blend of modern...
“Voiceover Geng” dishes out its long awaited single titled ‘Voice Over Geng‘ featuring group members like Geng Master, Eberechi Zion, Mama J, Lolly G “VOICE OVER...
“Omo Ope” by BOYCEDA marks yet another triumph in the Nigerian music scene, solidifying his status as a rising star. BOYCEDA consistently delivers captivating tunes that resonate with...
OLOKO SHAPICO Nigerian afrobeat sensation and versatile artist has been keeping the records straight and has never failed to deliver, after many much singles he...
BDB JAEY – Need You ( Video )|| CONFESSION EP Nigeria prolific music artist BDB JAEY , Has officially released visuals to a track in...
Additionally is a captivating musical of Nigerian talented singer, Radooskey. The track seamlessly blends infectious beats with smooth vocals, creating a mesmerizing listening experience. Radooskey’s distinctive...
The highly talented Nigerian singer-songwriter and artist, Dolly HP, has just released an impressive new song cover titled “Money” officially owned by Jaido P. This captivating...
Fast rising Nigerian Duo artists “Awa Youngest‘ returns with their latest impressive sound, “Doings.” featuring Nigerian Multi-talented Singer and music producer “GazzyTunez. With its infectious beats...
Billionaire prophet and General Overseer of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry in Warri, Delta State, Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin, has given out over N30 million in charity...
No Stress by Eje Blakk Dive into a world of smooth vibes and irresistible beats with Eje Blakk’s latest hit single, “No Stress” Produced by the...