UJ student hacked the university and gave herself distinctions on modules she failed many times



Phindile who is a student from UJ who edited her marks by accessing the IT panels of the UJ website. She gave herself two distinctions on two modules she had been failing many times.

In her defense, Phindile said she did it because her bursary ditched her and her parents can’t afford to pay for her and her young brother.

Further investigations found that she did not do it for her self only. She edited marks for 200 other students who were having problems passing their modules.

Some of these students graduated because of what Phindile did. “They probably thought it was a miracle, the university is busy trying to reach a final decision on whether they can cancel the degrees issued with marks that were edited by Phindile”

“We reached out to some of the degree holders and some are already working, it will be a very hard decision to make”

Phindile herself is still a UJ student and she might get expelled and barred from attending any tertiary institution indefinitely.

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