People throwing their money away in Italy said the country will soon perish



The outbreak of corona virus has brought death to so many countries especially Italy.

Italy has the highest death rate of corona virus in the world.

Because of the virus business are closed in country and there is also scarcity of food in the country but apart from all this most family died from the virus.

Some family’s in Italy has lost their complete offsprings and there is nobody left to take the remaining properties.

Because of all this incident some people in Italy threw away their money from their windows.

So I beg everyone reading this news to pray that God should deliver the world from this virus.

So I beg everyone reading this news to pray that God should deliver the world from this virus.

Ways of preventing corona virus

washing your hands regularly with water and soap.

wearing face mask when visiting public areas.

wearing hand gloves to prevent exposing you to infected areas.

Avoid social gathering including worship centers.

Have your private hand sanitizer.
Social distances.

Avoid touching your face which includes your noise,mouth and eyes,

when you suspect you touched an infected area.

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