A Nigerian man identified as Shank comics on Twitter has shared his encounter at the bank.
Shank who was on an ATM queue said a man sneezed and everyone became a bit apprehensive but let it slide as it was just the first time. The man went on to sneeze again but this time, Nigerians on the queue became more wary as reports of the Coronavirus reaching the country saturated everywhere.
According to Shank, a very outspoken young Yoruba man sternly warned the man not to sneeze a third time. In his words:
“This Corona thing tho. I was at one ATM around berger that I should sharply withdraw and go home. That’s how the guy to withdraw sneezed. Nobody fess talk, all of us dey shadow. As he sneeze again na so one yoruba man say “Egbon, emabinu o but ti won ba biyin da etun sin!”” In English: “Bro, no vex but if dey born you well sneeze again” .
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